UNE students get a tour of the 缅因州 Correctional Center's medical wing.

UNE 学生 Gain New Perspectives in 健康 Care in Collaboration with 缅因州 Department of Corrections

Future health care professionals get a rare look inside the 缅因州 Correctional Center during a lesson in harm reduction

温德姆的缅因矫正中心, 缅因州, 目前不为住院病人提供内部物理治疗. 但当杰奎琳·凯勒拍了一张罕见的, behind-the-scenes tour of the facility with 30 other health care students from the University of New England last week, 凯勒问她是否可以为住院医生提供物理治疗, 谁目前被送到中心外接受物理治疗. 

Chris Arbour的回应, 缅因州惩教中心副监狱长, 很直接:好主意. 让我们实现它. 

“It seems like the kind of place where they’re open-minded and looking for ideas and considering new research,凯勒博士说.P.T., ’27). “我们很多人都被医疗保健所吸引,因为我们想帮助别人. If the opportunity existed to do something with PT in a place where it would have a positive impact, 那太酷了.” 

The organic give-and-take 在 correctional center was what Trisha Mason, M.A., hoped for when she partnered with the 缅因州 Department of Corrections several years ago to educate future health care professionals about underserved communities. 作为 全球网络赌博平台的服务学习计划威斯布鲁克卫生职业学院, Mason has worked with Arbour for the past three years to give UNE students a rare, firsthand look at the lived experience of roughly 600 residents at the state’s second-largest correctional facility. 

Mason works year-round to expose students to immersive experiences in low-resource communities throughout southern 缅因州 in an effort to train a new generation of health care providers to have empathy for those in vulnerable settings, 同时也在帮助那些社区. 但正如梅森随时准备微笑着指出的那样, 这次在缅因矫正中心的参观完全是独一无二的. 

我觉得人们对矫正医学又有了新的兴趣. It's an industry that I think most students aren't exposed to and don't know about,” Mason said. “We’re not just engaging with a community partner or a population for a one-time, one-off event. We're actually working together with our partners to address and identify a need that they have.” 


None of the 30 students who toured the facility on July 16 may ever work in a prison, 凉亭指出, but building an understanding of the challenges faced by the residents of one is valuable for those studying to be physical therapists, 医师助理, 职业治疗师. 当他们治疗在监狱里待过的人时, 阿布尔女士指出, 他们现在将对如何帮助他们有更深的理解. 

“Language matters,” Arbour emphasized to the group at the outset of the tour. “我们把呆在监狱里的人称为‘居民’.他们需要像对待其他人一样对待. When someone goes to a health care provider, they don't want to be stigmatized. 如果你从这里记住一件事:帮助减少耻辱. 我们都是人.” 

巴克波特的萨凡纳·史密斯报道, 缅因州, one of six residents who shared their journey with the students in a panel discussion, 我说过了. 

“这里的居民都是受过教育的好人. If you want to take the next step, if you really want to better your life here, you can do it. I want my children to be able to be proud of me, to look up to me,” Smith said, as her voice caught.  

自从史密斯于2019年因毒品指控进入矫正中心以来, she earned an associate's degree from Beal College as a medical assistant with a certification in substance abuse recovery. 接下来,她打算攻读学士学位. She’s furthering her education online while also working as a recovery coach to help other women residents fighting drug addiction. 

“我想让他们知道,他们并不孤单. 这是上瘾的一大问题,”史密斯告诉学生们. “他们感到孤独,好像没有人关心他们. I appreciate you guys writing the letters because getting a letter from somebody who doesn’t even know you — you have no idea. 你只是被赋予了那种爱.” 

在梅森的指导下,学生们进来了 全球网络赌博平台的服务学习计划 也使 harm-reduction kits in collaboration with the Department of Corrections for when residents reenter their community, after they leave the correctional center. 工具包包括个人卫生用品, 可以防止过量服用的药物, 比如纳洛酮, 还有手写的便条,上面写着支持和友谊的信息, 例如:“你是我们社区的重要成员”和“我看到你了。, 我支持你, 你的成功对我很重要.” 

刘易斯顿的杰森·毕晓普, 缅因州, told the UNE students that being a recovery coach 在 correctional center has helped him by allowing him to give back. Later, Bishop said the chance to share his story with the students also helped him. 

“从公众的角度向人们展示,帮助我们变得人性化,这很好. 我们有家庭、希望、梦想和目标,”毕晓普说. “我有一个十几岁的儿子,一个变性人的儿子. 他们是我的支持. 我只想让我的孩子为我感到骄傲. 我因为贩毒被关起来了. 我不希望我的故事就此结束.” 

Residents of the 缅因州 Correctional Center answer questions from UNE students.
UNE students mingle with the residents of the 缅因州 Correctional Center.

文森特·德巴克(D.P.T., ’26) was stunned by Bishop’s frank admissions — and said the correctional center was nothing like what’s shown in movies. 

 “他们得到了改善生活的支持, 他们的关系, 以及他们的未来,德巴克说. 这种支持是同伴驱动的,而不是权威支配的. It has definitely influenced how I want to practice as a healthcare provider. 无论谁走进我的门,都应该有人倾听.”   

The tour of the facility that housed 270 men and 90 women took students past a massive vegetable garden, 穿过中心的厨房, 医疗中心, 还有包括理发店在内的大型娱乐中心, 健身房, pickleball法院, 还有一间音乐室. 

全球网络赌博平台的学生们还参观了居民们的宿舍, including the 缅因州 Women’s Center and one of two “earned living units,” where those who demonstrate exemplary behavior are allowed more freedom. 在更安全的大楼里, 居民被分配到哪个牢房, Arbour explained that the medical office there was not fully functional due to staffing shortages. 

Mason turned to nod at her students, as if to flag an opportunity that existed here. But finding ways to bring health care to this community already had occurred to at least a few students. 

“I asked if they’d be interested in pro-bono services after I graduate, 尤其是当我听说这里没有PT时,张曼玉博士说.P.T., ’26). “The residents still have injuries from cooking, gardening, playing sports. 当你在外面的时候,你不会意识到这里的生活是什么样的. But when you hear their stories, they’re still human; they still deserve care and respect.”